UKAA SCOTLAND LAUNCH EVENT – BTR in Scotland: A new deal for tenants (in-person event, Glasgow) Thursday 31st March

The UKAA’s first event sponsored by Shoosmiths in Scotland saw the launch of our Scotland Hub chaired by Gillian McLees.   

The Build to Rent industry in Scotland offers a real opportunity to realise the nation’s ‘Housing to 2040’ ambitions through delivering more homes more quickly and achieving better standards than many of the alternatives. 

With Scottish Government’s “A New Deal for Tenants” consultation period nearing a close, this event explored what this all means for the Build to Rent sector.  

We presented two panel discussions.

In the first panel,  moderated by Robin Blacklock (Dowbrae) we assessed the actions Government may take to achieve their aim of ‘encouraging BTR Developments in Scotland’, particularly in the context of the wider proposals contained in their draft strategy.

With the focus firmly on tenants, our second panel, moderated by Iain Murray (Cortland Consult) looked at the role BTR plays in evolving the market from the traditional landlord-tenant relationship, to one which puts the resident experience at the forefront of the proposition. 

We were also joined by Lesley Roberts, Allsop, UKAA President and Gillian McLees, Rettie & Co, UKAA Scotland Chair who set out how the UKAA plans to support members with an interest or presence in Scotland to: 

  • convene to discuss national BTR opportunities and challenges through a local lens
  • understand local challenges and opportunities in BTR
  • hold local events and networking for wider audiences


John Boyle, Director of Research & Strategy – Rettie & Co

Ashley Perry, Investment Director – Apache Capital

William Kyle, Fund Director – PfP Capital & Board Director at Places for People Scotland

Amanda Rennie, General Manager Edinburgh – Moda Living

Nadeem Butt, Head of Build to Rent – UrbanBubble

John Holley, Investment Director – Watkin Jones

Ailish Christian West, Director Of Real Estate – Get Living

Karolina UrbanResident Service Manager – Lochrin QuayEdinburgh 

Sharon Ross, Senior Resident Services Manager – Rettie



17.00 Registration 

17:15 Introductions and market update presentation 

17:30 Panel 1: Encouraging BTR Developments in Scotland 

18:15 Break 

18:30 Panel 2: Delivering a new deal for tenants 

19.15 – 20.00 Networking and Drinks sponsored by Shoosmiths  




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Shoosmiths is a UK leader in the ‘living’ sector, heavily involved in the development of and investment into BTR schemes throughout the UK as well as into single family housing schemes, working with many of the UK’s largest housebuilders.