ARL Structure, Board & Groups

ARL Governance Structure

The Association for Rental Living (ARL), previously known as the UK Apartment Association (UKAA), is the membership body for all institutionally backed, professionally managed purpose-built rental living sectors, delivering an increasingly amplified and unified voice for the whole BTR sector.

ARL’s Committees and Working Groups enable cross sector issues affecting all within the rental living sector ecosystem to be discussed and addressed through actions, not just words.

All Committees and Working Groups take member views on specific areas and meet regularly with the ARL staff team to produce policy, positions and external influence, feeding into the Strategic Advisory Group as a route to input to the ARL Board.

The diagram below highlights the interconnections between the ARL’s Committees and Working Groups, and the fact that none operate in a silo or vacuum.

Please see the ARL Groups terms of reference for details of how to access the working groups and committees, and the governance behind them.

ARL Board & Groups

We have a Board, Strategic Advisory Group and a number of committees at the ARL hosted by committed, knowledgeable professionals. Our board and committee members are charged with working together and with the ARL team to deliver the ambitions of the ARL.