Member Benefits Explained

Membership join

The ARL is the authority on BTR and SFR in the UK and our membership share in this high value knowledge.

Our members are drawn from investors and lenders, developers and operators, and all those designing, delivering and supplying BTR and SFR homes. Our role is to provide leadership and support to our members as they add value to this dynamic sector.

Membership Benefits

Host a webinar 

In the pursuit of excellence ARL members have the following benefits


Engage in a comprehensive annual events programme bringing together industry experts, practitioners and those keen to learn more about, and address, the key issues facing Build to Rent:

• ARL Annual BTR Conference
• ARL BTR Spring Expo
• Regular programme of webinars
• Regional Hub events
• Discounted access to NAA Apartmentalize



Meet and engage with the best in Build to Rent to share knowledge, build connections and further your business:

• ARL Forum sessions
• Reverse Trade Shows (virtual and in person)
• National and International Study tours
• Social networking sessions



Access the latest ARL and Build to Rent industry information through:

• Bi-weekly Newsbuzz, delivered directly to your inbox
• Regular ARL social media updates
• Webinars and videos on the ARL website
• Complimentary e-copies of “UNITS” – the leading US Build To Rent Journal


Innovation & Thought leadership

Advance your knowledge and discover the latest innovations in Build to Rent through:

• The Best Practice Guide
• Thought leadership articles
• Access to industry research papers & reports
• Access to NAA research and information
• Membership of ARL partner Trusted Stays, providing a platform for operators to access corporate & government lets
• Contributing to ARL Committees and Forums to help shape the organisation and industry.


Education, Training & recruitment

Develop and grow your organisation through:

• Access to training and education programmes in partnership with bodies such as The Property Institute
• ARL’s Jobs board to seek out opportunities and support recruitment campaigns
• Nominating talented companies & individuals in the ARL's Annual BTR Industry Awards


Profile Development

Opportunities to build the profile of your organisation and your team:

• Host a webinar
• Contribute to the Best Practice Guide
• Exhibit at the ARL Annual BTR Conference
• Exhibit at the ARL Spring BTR Expo
• Speak at ARL events
• Share news through the ARL website & News Buzz
• Become an ARL Corporate Partner
• Sponsor ARL events
• Design your bespoke company profile page on our website
• Amplify your message through our social media channels