ARL response to the Government’s ‘Plan for Change’

Brendan Geraghty, ARL CEO, comments:

“Whilst the ARL welcomes the Prime Minister reiterating his pledge today to build 1.5 million new homes as part of the ‘Plan for Change’, we call once again on the Government to engage with, and further support, the Build to Rent sector, to deliver the good quality new homes so highly sought after, by both the public and the Government. 

 “The Build to Rent sector has already delivered over 120,000 new homes for rent and has the capacity to deliver 2 million more to the private rented sector. By its nature, Build to Rent can deliver at scale, bringing a specific rental product of quality new homes which are professionally managed and institutionally backed, to the sector, helping to drive standards higher for all renters.

 “If the Government wishes to hit this “milestone”, and raise living standards,  then we believe that the Build to Rent sector should be fully engaged with, both by central government and locally, to maximise its delivery potential. The ARL cannot put this significant housing opportunity more simply.”