UKAA Webinar: Maximising Investor Value (Part 2 of 3 Part Series)

Part 2 – Resident Acquisition and retention  

What makes a healthy home?  

  • A brief overview and introduction to the elements that make up a healthy environment, light/air/acoustics, etc.  
  • What is required – what is beyond compliance – opportunities and risks etc.  

Elevating the indoor environment  

  • With increasing demand being placed on our homes and time spent in them, how do we ensure they provide the quality people are looking for in a home 
  • The potential of the home must be effectively promoted to showcase its true value as a space that transcends mere functionality.
  • Maximising investor return means reducing (or removing) inequality in the quality and health of the environments within a single development. E.g. apartments on lower floors with poor daylighting as a result of overshadowing, apartments on one side overlooking a busy road/railway.  

Homes for living healthily 

  • Healthy for People + Planet (healthy + sustainable) 
  • Resilience & adaptability: Maintain performance and allow changes to flex with different life stages and external forces (energy market fluctuations, environmental conditions) 
  • The role of tech + data collection/feedback loops Empowering residents to use their homes efficiently. 
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