North-West Hub Event: Mental Health Awareness – Best Practice in BTR Thursday 10th March

Following the successful launch of the UKAA North West hub last year, we followed up with a workshop on mental health. Our objective was to raise awareness and encourage more people/organisations to talk about mental health.

Our panel explored:

  • The importance and impact that people, environment, experience and design can have on mental health in BTR;
  • Lessons learned through the pandemic and how we can apply to the future;
  • Share best practice within the BTR sector and ideas for improving mental health, for both staff and residents;
  • Discuss the importance and impact that people, environment, experience and design can have on mental health in BTR.

Panel Chair:
Dougie Orton Wade – Allsop and Chair of UKAA NW Hub


  • Kate Howell – General Manager, Vox
  • Juliet Self –  Director of Brand and Customer Experience, Dandara
  • Adel Houten – Mental Health First Aid Instructor, Director of Health Perks Ltd
  • Nina Maan – Training Consultant and Mental Health First Aid Instructor, Accelerator Solutions

17.00- 18:00: Registration, Drinks Reception & Networking
18.00- 19.00: Panel Discussion
19.00- 20:00: Networking & Drinks sponsored by Hybrid



Material Source
1 Federation St, Manchester, M4 4BF


Event Sponsored By 



Hybrid are a facilities solutions business that understand the complexity of running a BTR facility and the importance of keeping these compliant and operational. We provide solutions and services to allow our customers to concentrate on their business and not their buildings and work in partnership with them to give the best possible customer experience.