ARL Study Tour – Leeds BTR in Action: a tour for local authorities

ARL in collaboration with UKREiiF.

ARL are excited to host a study tour on Wednesday 22nd May. Join us for an afternoon touring two BTR developments followed by a roundtable with fellow industry peers.

The event programme is displayed below:

14:00 – Meet at UKREiiF
14:30 – Leodis Square (Dandara Living)
15:30 – The Junction (Native Residential)
16:30 – 17:30 Local Authority Roundtable
18:00 – Event Ends

This event is free to attend and is available to local authorities.

“Seeing a range of assets in a short and focussed period of time and hearing the CRMs and operators talk to us about their buildings”

 “Great tours & fantastic networking”

For those who have not participated in our previous tours, we encourage you to review the highlights of our recent excursion to Leeds.

By registering for this event you agree for your contact information to be shared with third party event stakeholders and sponsors.

Pls note that the prices mentioned below do not include Value Added Tax (VAT).

If you are interested in becoming a member of the ARL, please contact Emma at [email protected]

By registering for this event, you are agreeing to the ARL privacy notice and terms.